THE_ARCH1TECT: Tyranid Carnifex with twin linked Devourer conversion
THE_ARCH1TECT: Hive fleet Titan
THE_ARCH1TECT: Barbed Hierodule conversion of Hive Fleet Titan
thiloengels: Sister of Battle Adeptus Sororita
Vaelin: "Commander Vayburg" Black templars
petew91: Black Templar Crusade Squad
EvilGeniusJae: Black Templar Marshal Mercadius
40k painting: Leman Russ - 01 (wip)
Tomas Persifal Pekar: Kroots Carnivore Squad
Tomas Persifal Pekar: Kroots Carnivore Squad
neojarlaxe: Roboute Guilliman
_Ahriman_: Tau Ghostkeel Battlesuit in Titanfall style
Miniature Painting: Primaris Captain, Roboute Guilliman
Calgar: Forgeworld Kytan 23
neojarlaxe: Deathjester
Garry_rocks: Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought
Hexa Painting Lab: Space Marines Primaris Intercessor Squad
BKelly.CS: Death Korps of Krieg - Centaur of the 814th Regiment
Leadbelcher: Tyranid Army
xVanSanx: Bombard
Mr. Poom: Custodes0102
Mr. Poom: Custodes0103
Mr. Poom: Custodes0101
Kryokinesi: Finished painting the batch of 10 tac-marines. Here's My Sons of Horus army so far. #warhammer #warhammer30k #warhammer30000 #horusheresy #sonsofhorus #painting #gamesworkshop #forgeworld #heresy #soh #spacemarines #adeptusastartes #30k #paintingwarhammer
Tomas Persifal Pekar: XV88 Broadside Shas'ui
ablizmo: Imperial Guard preparing for war.