mat56.: profondo rosso 2787701_large39077 DSC_0084 - Copia _DSC0067A - Copia
sinetempore: Silenzio - Silence.
Izakigur: Taken in La Chaux-de-Fonds at Winter time.Canton of Neuchatel, Switzerland. No. 266.
Izakigur: Switzerland, Jura mountains, La Vue-des-Alpes , Canton of Neuchâtel . No. 3123.
Izakigur: La Vue des Alpes, Canton of Neuchâtel. December 8 , 2012. No. 1345.
Izakigur: Swiss winter paradise . Tête de Ran ,Canton of Neuchâtel, Jura mountains. Switzerland. No. 3172
Izakigur: Winter time in La Vue-des-Alpes, Canton of Neuchâtel . Switzerland. no.1295.
Izakigur: Swiss winter time, in the fog. Canton Vaud Switzerland, no. 385.
Izakigur: Summer time near Bussalp ,Schreckhorn (4,078 m alt. ) and the Finstaarhorn (Grindelwald, Kanton Bern) Switzerland. No. 8415.
claudedelrieu21: le jour se léve
el_farero: Colores en Jokulsarlon
Ryan Dyar: Painted Morning
明遊快: 🌸Sakura Magic🌸 [Explored#1]
bgfotologue: Lost in Iceland.
vampire-carmen: Europäischer Wolf - European Wolf
Mister-Mastro: 2017 01 22 8°° 8° Oestrich - 36