Allen Sparks: Blue Jay Chick
condor262001: G34A3394
bruce_aird: Cooper's Hawk, Accipiter cooperii
bruce_aird: Short-beaked Common Dolphins, Delphinus delphis
bruce_aird: Greater Sage Grouse, Centrocercus urophasianus
bruce_aird: The one who stole the show!
bruce_aird: Common Nighthawk, Chordeiles minor
bruce_aird: Common Nighthawk, Chordeiles minor
TerryLHill: Diamondback Rattlesnake crossing the road in Bommer Canyon, Irvine, California (It was quite a ways from us)
tracy_drakes_photos: Northern Mockingbirds at Play, Kenneth Hahn SRA 10.27.17
tcameron19: Yellow-crowned Night Heron
Digital Plume Hunter: Black-throated Green Warbler
Wendy E. Miller: Oak titmouse
tracy_drakes_photos: Eurasian Tree Sparrow, Stakeout - Wilmington, CA (2017), 5.14.17
Trishrg: White-eyed Vireo
Trishrg: White-eyed Vireo
Trishrg: White-eyed Vireo
Tom Miko: Common Crane Mormon Lake 12 May 2017 42
Tom Miko: Yellow crowned Night Heron El Dorado Park 11 May 2017
Tom Miko: Mockingbird juveniles Claremont Wilderness Park May 2017
Tom Miko: Black throated Sparrow Teutonia Trail 22 April 2017
philipcarnehl: Pacific Spiketail
philipcarnehl: Black Phoebe
philipcarnehl: Acorn Woodpecker
philipcarnehl: Yellow-billed Magpie
pekabo90401: MINE mine mine ...SOOC Wrentit crop only Los Liones 2443
pekabo90401: Happy Thanksgiving!
philipcarnehl: IMG_4156
philipcarnehl: Chipmunk
philipcarnehl: IMG_6923