jmsdbg: Todo permanece
Jason 87030: 31442, Harrowden Junction
SpinalTapIn: The Crown, Sydney - Australia
heinzkren: ready for a group photo
Foto Martien: Yellow mongoose
Konstantin's Europe and more Thx4˃3MMviews: Little splash - Plage du Corton, Cassis, France
Roberto Marinoni: Colline primaverili - Spring hills
Alpha 2008: Neighbor in the Sky
DameBoudicca: Evening at Shibakōen
tonyplowman: Riomaggiore (Cinque Terre)
Ros.alba: Piazza San Marco dall'alto
albert.herbigneaux1: Grèbe a cou noir, Black necked grebe
ichauvel: descente du mont Pelat Mercantour_8984
Andreas Komodromos: United Nations Headquarters (cityscape reflections) - New York City
chapichapo2012: Mésange bleue juvénile
Wilma1962*: Spring at the river Oude IJssel
Bert#: Naarden
SBA73: Sobre l'Onyar / Windows above the river
AlCapitol: France - cité de Carcassonne
Egg2704: Curiosidad
Tobi_2008: Autumn is fantastic
papy06200: Beuil Alpes Maritimes France
batorka74: Sunset at the Valley