OZBOX: Detective Drop-Plate Camera
OZBOX: Thornton Pickard Triple''Imperial Extension camera
ricksoloway: hit_fuji
OZBOX: Hüttig' Record Stereo Camera
OZBOX: Half-plate studio camera
donaldpoirier93@yahoo.fr: Zeiss Ikon Colora F (10.0641)
TempusVolat: Camera of the Day - Kodak Retinette Nr.147
wadey77: Wray I and Ia
wadey77: wray II prototypes
wadey77: First Wrayflex
Can Pac Swire: The Simple Greek
OZBOX: Hongmei HM-1
adr.vesa: Invincibel by H. Mader , 1894
Still Cameras: Empire Baby - 'The Wonder Camera ' (with box and manual)
donaldpoirier93@yahoo.fr: Eastman View No. 2 D.
Studio d'Xavier: Foldex 20
Kerry711: MY Grandpa's Old V.P Twin. Camera
France1978: Vintage Francya Baby Miniature Film Camera With Box And Roll Of Film, Made In Japan
RetroSquirrel: Miniature Fuji
Can Pac Swire: Kodak K-24 US Air Force Camera with Aero-Ektar f2.5, 178 mm, 5x5 lens
Ron (Netherlands): Eastman full plate camera (10 - final)
OZBOX: Praktica IV
OZBOX: Pomokop No.1
OZBOX: Agfa Synchro Box
bac1967: Kodak 3 Autographic Special Model A
kodakcollector: wdt kodak petite brown diamond
kodakcollector: Kodak Petites all colors Step
OZBOX: Kodak Petite ( Blue Green )
OZBOX: Fujipet EE