Trevor Dobson: Milky Way setting over Lake Clifton, Western Australia
FotographyKS!: Enigmatic eyes of an old man captured through the lens!
rockinmonique: happy holidays
rockinmonique: i'll get there
wentloog: Storm Waves, Porthcawl Lighthouse
s.heyer13: Crocodile
meldarbordeaux: Classic 2/3. When I look at you, I dont have anything else to care, I finally believe this is fair, Because love is in the air.
wentloog: Harbour Wall Breakers
Carlos F1: CFR9021 Ribadesella des de el Mirador
Karen Kleis: Here Comes The Rain Again
antoinebouyer: Un orage éclate la nuit
lizardking_cda: S'abandonner