"santiago": St. Joseph's Cathedral
Dimitri H.: IMG_4126_1_5X7_92ppi
Jeff Dyck: Eaglet Lake Osprey Portrait
Jeff Dyck: Grasslands Window Owlets
Jeff Dyck: Cavorting Caribou
Jeff Dyck: Breeding Yellow Warbler
Jenny Pics: Favourite Places
miguelitoiglesias21: HA CAMBIADO EL CLIMA.
moweenaroessingh: Snow owl..
moweenaroessingh: Up close..
dianepiper1: Stepping Stones
dianepiper1: A pretty fancy deer blind
dianepiper1: Bald eagle
bead763: I'm not serious; I just look that way
josedoli28: lever soleil decembre
josedoli28: DSC_0008
moimarye: Tulipe
moimarye: Nigelle après la pluie.
Uncle.Owl: Green-tailed Towhee
Uncle.Owl: Canvasback
rasecsarmiento795: SUNSET DE BARRANCO
rasecsarmiento795: PUENTE DE LOS SUSPIROS
alex.ghigi26: L'acchiappanuvole 1014
alex.ghigi26: Baciata dal sole 1313
alex.ghigi26: Her majesty 0710
alex.ghigi26: The beauty and the beast 0243
eus.fotografie: Autumn in Switserland