.ilona.: Rose in Mono
.ilona.: Rīga Cristmas Market in the evening
.ilona.: Musical Christmas tree, Great Square, Ventspils, Latvia
lesphotosdedaniel: Fascination du soir. Evening fascination. Coups de pinceaux. Paintbrush strokes
lesphotosdedaniel: Le ciel a été peint aux couleurs de Flickr. La pleine lune est présente mais discrète. The sky has been painted in Flickr's colours. The full moon is present but discreet
maudiros: A very sweet evening to all of you
michafink: Rotdrossel - Redwing
maudiros: Traveling to magical Puglia
maudiros: Don't cry...everything will pass.
maudiros: Happy Birthday Laura
philippe.soriano: A slightly ruffled Brown Thrasher
philippe.soriano: A fiery Hermit Thrush, with fall bokeh
philippe.soriano: The iconic winter photo: a Northern Cardinal (m) in snow (see adjacent post)
philippe.soriano: The iconic winter photo: a Northern Cardinal (f) in the snow (see adjacent post)
Hammerchewer: Long-tailed Tit
Hammerchewer: Dunnock
Hammerchewer: Little & large
Hammerchewer: Sedge Warbler
richardboucher1: canard pilet
richardboucher1: Chouette rayée
Gladys Klip: Ree / roe deer / chevrette
papaixcecile900: - Faucon crécerelle - Domaine des oiseaux - Ariège 09 - Le 14/12/24 -
papaixcecile900: - Rémiz penduline - Domaine des oiseaux - Ariège 09 - Le 13/11/24 -
papaixcecile900: - Héron cendré - Domaine des oiseaux - Ariège 09 - Le 13/11/24 -
papaixcecile900: - Flamand rose - Peyrac-de-mer - Aude 11 - Le 03/02/2024 -
r.cariou33: Gobemouche noir - Ficedula hypoleuca - European Pied Flycatcher
r.cariou33: Faucon hobereau - Falco subbuteo - Eurasian Hobby
r.cariou33: Martin-pêcheur d'Europe - Alcedo atthis - Common Kingfisher
r.cariou33: Gobemouche gris - Muscicapa striata - Spotted Flycatcher
r.cariou33: Étourneau sansonnet - Sturnus vulgaris - Common Starling