Bernard Fabbro: faucon crécerelle / kestrel 25C_0220
billoddie3: Blue Tit. Paris Caeruleus
gerardcarron: Aiguille des glaciers - Les Chapieux - Savoie
Larry Daugherty (slow for awhile): Bluejay on food alert :-)
Susan Roehl: International Zebra Day January 31st
beeton_bear: Cliff_Diving_WEB2_IMG_1068
suebmtl: 015A3015 White-throated Mountain-gem
Gerald (Wayne) Prout: Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa umbellus)
DoctoredbyNancy: Laguna Tebinquiche, Atacama Desert, Chile
Axel Hildebrandt: Hooded Merganser
Averton: P1251851 Grevillea delight
jac hendrix: Sint-jansvlinder !!
ashahmtl: 0P7A7036 Panama Flycatcher, Panama
Veerle Heyman: lunchtime!
Torfaen Corvine: Mute Swan, Boating Lake, Helston, Cornwall 31 January 2025
D. C. Peters: Red-headed Woodpecker with a snack
Pierre Casavant: Harfang des neiges, Snowy Owl, Bubo scandiacus. DSC_4364-1.jpg
Alain-46: Gallinule poule-d'eau - Gallinula chloropus - Common Moorhen - Teichhuhn - Gallineta Común - Gallinella d'acqua
Picsnapper1212: Official State Bird of Ohio
The Treerunner: Black Redstart, first winter male
perfectday_s: An afternoon on the ice floe
Michel Roesink: Roerdomp / Eurasian bittern / Botaurus stellaris
Pe Bour: Schildkröte
mishaleppert: Tree kangatoo 1
mittiellanipi: Setophaga Pitiayumi. Reinita Tropical. Tropical Parula. Explore February the first.
Peter Simpson: Black-crowned Night Heron
Clo_09: Smilisca manisorum_EM10885
blackhawk32: Red Tail Hawk Karma-2
Samuel Maglione: _1310312-ORF_DxO_DeepPRIME