ricketdi: durbec des sapins - pine grosbeak
Alvaro Colombo: Gruccione / Merops apiaster
Aisse Gaertner: Phacellodomus erythrophthalmus
PhotoArt Images: Blue faced honeyeater
Alain Daigle: Harfang des neiges \ Snowy Owl
Laval Roy: 1.08334 Martin-pêcheur malgache / Corythornis madagascariensis madagascariensis / Madagascar Pygmy-Kingfisher
robin denton: Puffin with catch, Inner Farne, Farne Islands, Northumberland
GaryKurtz: Chestnut-eared Aracari Iguazu Falls
neusiedler: Weihnachtsessen - Christmas Dinner
jaytee27: Secretary Bird - Sagittarius serpentarius
jaytee27: Red - Breasted Merganser. Male
stuburu1: _DSC7329_01
Alvaro Colombo: Ibis sacro / African ibis / Threskiornis aethiopicus
gychen0715: 绿翅短脚鹎 Mountain Bulbul
PriscillaBurcher: Pheucticus ludovicianus (Rose-breasted Grosbeak / Degollado)
acadia_breeze4130: Cooper's Hawk
eric robb niven: Three Puffins and a Shy one.
gychen0715: 发冠卷尾 Spangled Drongo (immate)
keithprescott45: Nuthatch
martin ritmeester1961: Kuifmees / Lophophanes cristatus
helmutnc: Galah
Alvaro Colombo: Garzetta / Little Egret / Egretta garzetta
M Z Malik: LITTLE BEE-EATER (Melittophagus pusillus).....NAIROBI NAT PARK....OCT 2013
normanwest4tography: Waxwing - Bombycilla garrulus
Ian N. White: Great Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus)
PETEJLB: Great Crested Grebe
PETEJLB: Yellowhammer