Naturfotografie Simon Edel: Rotfuchs / Red fox / Vulpes vulpes
juttaarens48: Eichhörnchen
philippeoros: Martin Pêcheur d'Europe
xatnep21: doing hand stand pushups -2109
Corrocoilupi: Reflex
Luís Rodriguez Baena: Cyanistes caeruleus
bobbiker: Evil Eye
jan.michalec: Osprey with carp
chuckthewriter: How God Sees an Eclipse.
MHTobias: Holden Beach Pier
Dominic Singleton: Kingfisher
hanley.will: Chrysanthemum Macro
Adrian Court LRPS: KK KKK [Explored at #2]
Birds&More: Northern Cardinal In Flight
timosborne: Barn Swallow Choir
blindhogmike: Powdered Dancer Damselfly (female, blue) DSC_0269-Edit2
W@lterWhite: Eritque Arcus Galaxy
crowlem: Vixen 'Flo' posing
Hossam el-Hamalawy حسام الحملاوي: March in solidarity with the Sudanese revolution
primosavage: The Black Kite (Milvus Migrans)
YL Jin: Happy New Year !
Terry Babij: 3rd Night -5378
harold.barahona: Beautiful view
blavandmaster: The middle of nowhere...
Enzo Ghignoni: acqua a catinelle
remiklitsch: mushroom madness : #kanesfamilyfarm
remiklitsch: Pondering
greenzowie: Here's dinner...!