tourtrophy: Supra At The Dock
One Arm Don: white house antique mall trace
One Arm Don: pepsi 2
Wayne Stadler Photography: The Dog Day Shuffle
One Arm Don: baama (1 of 1)
Richard Melton: Off Road Jeep
Richard Melton: Highway Pickers Auto
Richard Melton: Puckett's Pickup Truck
bamaboy1941: Anniston Body Shop---Anniston, Al.
Neurad1: Madden Poultry Co, I Wikle Rexall Drugs
John W East AU58: Colorful House
pictakerd200: Old Car City
Todd Evans: Old Fashioned
One Arm Don: pops garage (1 of 1)
bwaggo: Gadsden Show Auto
Laurence's Pictures: Big Chief Drive In - Glencoe, Alabama
jimbenttree: Anniston 02162013 11
Pam_Broviak: Church in Anniston Alabama former Texaco gas station
jimbenttree: Anniston Dillon 1
bamaboy1941: Bucks's Place---Anniston, Al.
Dave*71: Stars and Stripes πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²
pjpink: Welcome To Rock City
pjpink: Rock City Eagle
pjpink: Rock City See Seven States
pjpink: Rock City Swing-Along Bridge (aka Brent): Sallie Howard Memorial Church - Mentone, AL