Impact Imagz:
Waves of gold
Impact Imagz:
Where the elements collide
Impact Imagz:
Gress Bridge
Impact Imagz:
Stacks of Mangersta
Impact Imagz:
Impact Imagz:
The Road from Nowhere
Bays of Harris:
Chris Loye
Impact Imagz:
Sunset over Loch a Tuath
Impact Imagz:
The Road to Nowhere
Impact Imagz:
The magic of a Hebridean Sky
Impact Imagz:
Freezing February
Impact Imagz:
Rush Hour
Impact Imagz:
The Old Road
Impact Imagz:
Loch na h-Aibhne Ruaidhe
Impact Imagz:
On the trail of the lonesome pine
Seamus Iain:
Butt of Lewis lighthouse
Impact Imagz:
Highlander Hardy
Impact Imagz:
Before the deluge (Explored)
Impact Imagz:
Flowing Tide on the Tráigh Mhór
Impact Imagz:
Wintry Showers
Bays of Harris:
Seamus Iain:
stornoway power station and coastguard station