allanchard64: Duke of Burgundy, Rodborough Common.
Mike Mckenzie8: Yellow wagtail
allanchard64: Glanville Fritillary on Sea Thrift, Compton Chine, Isle of Wight.
Mike Mckenzie8: Yellow wagtail
Steve Birt: Sanderling
S.Hatch: Male Stonechat on Apple blossom
Mike Mckenzie8: Yellow wagtail
Mike Mckenzie8: Bluebell
Gavin Turner Photography: Dunnock with food
Cosper Wosper: Pied flycatcher ~ Ficedula hypoleuca
Mike Mckenzie8: Great crested grebe
allanchard64: Pied Flycatcher male at Greenbank Cemetery, Bristol.
Mike Mckenzie8: Blackthorn
Photography by Matt Latham: Common Crane (Grus grus)
davolly59: Orange Tip Anthocharis cardamines.
Louise Morris (looloobey): Self Important Jay
S.Hatch: Bluebottle
allanchard64: Kingfisher, Eastville Park, on one of It's current favourite perches.
Louise Morris (looloobey): Short Eared Owl
rijo1397: howler monkeys
S.Hatch: Wasp
Lauren Tucker Photography: Great Northern Diver - Gavia immer
rijo1397: ruby drawing
katholdbird: Short-eared Owl
rijo1397: kingfisher colour pencil drawing
rijo1397: kingfisher colour pencil drawing
Louise Morris (looloobey): Male Little Owl
S.Hatch: Red deer