encantadissima: Chi semina vento raccoglie tempesta
captured by bond: _8103015-
Robyn Hooz: The power of light
[LL]: Polska Mazury
Robyn Hooz: Never mind the Unknown
d0gwalker: concrete diagonal
*Capture the Moment*: Paradise lost mono
Sen@d: The battle of the sun and the fog
A Great Capture: If a year was tucked inside of a clock, then autumn would be the magic hour – Victoria Erickson
John Ormerod: Catbells Walker
Sen@d: Blinded by the light
l z e e ~: estuary r e f l e c t i o n s
SVA1969: Sunset on the Brooklyn Bridge
William__Shu: In the fall colors
Robyn Hooz: At the feet of the giant
mauricecabillic: Kerdonis
gioviPa: a simple life
blavandmaster: Hiking home
d0gwalker: Monumental
Robyn Hooz: A hut for the heart
Diaffi: Windless.
mluisa_: Samarcanda - Piazza Registan
SnapsByTodd62: Buongiorno Matera