Jim Dawson Photography: Navigational Aid
Rosina: Bee-sy!
filip_verbelen: logs in congo
Leonardo F. Freitas (LeoFFreitas): SOJA vs. FLORESTA / SOYA vs. FOREST / SOJFABO kontraŭ ARBARO
Leonardo F. Freitas (LeoFFreitas): Floresta Amazônica, até quando? / Amazonian Forest, until when? / Amazona Arbaro, ĝis kiam?
Trees For Haiti: Trees For Haiti 032
Trees For Haiti: Trees For Haiti 026
stepol: Forest fire
view_camper: Forest Fire
photongo: Logger Eric Porter falls trees in the Briggs Creek watershed of the Siskiyou National Forest in southwest Oregon. The trees cut, marked with blue paint, had mostly died during the Biscuit Fire. The Biscuit Fire, located in southern Oregon and northern Cal
photongo: Logger Robert Freemen falls trees in the Briggs Creek watershed of the Siskiyou National Forest in southwest Oregon. The trees cut, marked with blue paint, had mostly died during the Biscuit Fire. The Biscuit Fire, located in southern Oregon and northern
photongo: Logger Robert Freemen falls trees in the Briggs Creek watershed of the Siskiyou National Forest in southwest Oregon. The trees cut, marked with blue paint, had mostly died during the Biscuit Fire. The Biscuit Fire, located in southern Oregon and northern
leppre: Forest Fire
exp.: Forest Fire
Ecoagriculture Partners: Deforestation in Bolivia
Julien Falissard: women of Lémorodougou
Julien Falissard: Blue sky in the Taga plain
Julien Falissard: Return to the village
Jessejay: Deforestation
piersbarber: deforestation
crustmania: Deforestation
eco.urban: Girl beside a tree