Jim Dawson Photography: Venice - Elegant Decay
Jim Dawson Photography: WAll in Old Cartagena, Columbia
Jim Dawson Photography: Castillo San Felipe de Barajas, Cartagena, Columbia
Jim Dawson Photography: Boxer 150 at rest
Jim Dawson Photography: Cartagena Lamp ....
Jim Dawson Photography: Bailarines en la plaza del pueblo
Jim Dawson Photography: Reading the morning paper
Jim Dawson Photography: Ruthie Lamb - 2006-10-20
Jim Dawson Photography: Horse drawn carriages in the old town are to Cartegena as Gondolas are to Venice
Jim Dawson Photography: Chilling in Getsemani Cartagena
Jim Dawson Photography: Chilling in Cartagena Old Town
Jim Dawson Photography: _Fruit Vendor, Cartagena, ColumbiaLast night I arrived back from a trip to the Columbian city of Cartagena. I stayed in the old city and was overwhelmed by the 'life' that the occupants of the old city bring to it. It is a truly awesome place.
Jim Dawson Photography: Venetian Mansion
Jim Dawson Photography: Montreal garcon
Jim Dawson Photography: Old Montreal - door
Jim Dawson Photography: Paris - Bridge
Jim Dawson Photography: Bolt Castle Detail
Jim Dawson Photography: The Wood Elve's Throne
Jim Dawson Photography: American Lotus
Jim Dawson Photography: A little colour for the new kitchen
Jim Dawson Photography: Isle of Skye Fenceline
Jim Dawson Photography: Ruthie - High Key