abevil30: Gio meets Kumo
B.L.Z.Bubb: DSCN0800
clarkcg photography: A Chip Off the Block
elaine_2022: Brownies anyone?
donalols: 2024-2_68A1340 Chocolate
verruckt42: Chocolate Favorites-Bars and Cookies
Crisumpierrez: They tell me a lot...
fotogake: A Calvin Sigh - only way to spell. Parents served "toad stroganoff". Again.For MM theme one word
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺: Just the facts, ma’am
Ro Cafe: I love Patchwork
Cartale: The Ginko
TiP-TO: MM word play
WilliamND4: One Word.
Shetoocanclick: One 'tempting' word
GOLDFOCUS: ring my bell
Romboid mk1: DSCN6521 #OneWord #MacroMondays
clarkcg photography: Dice By Bicycle
jhtguksnaps: One Word - MM
green_lover (I wait for your COMMENTS!): memories from California :)
hmeyvalian: "Macro Mondays" and "One Word "
0x4e84: Le mot le plus long
ingrid eulenfan: Ein Wort
nagyistvan888: One Word / Ferrero
DaveSPN: Prestige - HMM
Leanne HS: "One Word"