cre8foru2009: Foggy Morning Coachwhip
cre8foru2009: Rat Snake in situ
cre8foru2009: Black Racer
cre8foru2009: Garter Snake and Trillium
Deborah Freeman: A red-breasted merganser looks up and says I'm outta here...too much activity in our small bay.
Bastian.K: Castle in the Sky
PeterBrannon: Snail Kite
Naturebuggin: My new Kitty
The Digital Surgeon is back: Making faces at me!! ©
soxstripy Joe 1954: Gone in no time...
BugsAlive: Vespa velutina - the Asian Hornet enjoying lunch
jc's i: Dangle
flikrnik: Unidentified Weevil
T0nyJ0yce: Pulled a Rabbit Out of a Hat
Jaco Costerus.: sleeping chaser
'' THE SNIPER ": _DII9544-1 explore 27/052016
boisvertvert1: Râle de Virginie Virginia rale (2)
sahudeepak: Dragon Love....!
Nature Exposed: Green Hairstreak, Callophrys rubi
av8s: Northern Parula
Tibor Nagy: Maevia inclemens dimorphic jumping spider
Jurgen Otto: _X8A2021 peacock spider Maratus vespa
andabata: Bastaardzandloopkever
sjsimmons68: Opossum with Young
wanghc732: cuckoo
Michel Sansfacon: Northern Shoveler ♂ - Canard souchet ♂ - Anas clypeata (DSC_4844-1F-20160428)
Piotr Tylski: Trombidium holosericeum
antonsrkn: Galapagos Godzilla