beatrix.jones: Jan 18. Bins galore.
beatrix.jones: Week 51
beatrix.jones: Week 48, Bay of Islands
beatrix.jones: Week 48, Bay of Islands
beatrix.jones: Week 42. Birthday portrait taken by my husband. The big 5-0.
beatrix.jones: Week 31
beatrix.jones: Week 34. An "I'm bored" project with my daughter.
beatrix.jones: Week 27
beatrix.jones: Week 26. I've taken lots of rainbows with a traffic queue or my neighbour's garbage cans in the foreground...felt lucky to encounter one somewhere a little more scenic.
beatrix.jones: Week 25, Australian National Museum. I really enjoyed this museum. A lot of the natural history atuff was paired with depictions of those animals/landscapes in art which I thought was really effective. I haven't spent much time in Australia so there were
beatrix.jones: Week 17. I was asked to take a picture of our church showing the new AV setup.
beatrix.jones: Week 15
beatrix.jones: Week 17. This neighbour's house looks like a little patch of Italy to me.
beatrix.jones: Week 13
beatrix.jones: Week 10
beatrix.jones: Week 7. No photos this week. Here is one I took at Michigan State University this past July.
beatrix.jones: Week 5. Kids posing to say thank you for some gifts from my uncle, who used to be a postman.
beatrix.jones: Week 4. There is a slide inside this sculpture.
beatrix.jones: Week 4. Homemade bagels.
beatrix.jones: Week 2. My older 2 with their grandparents.
beatrix.jones: Week 2. My favorite photographer (my dad) has arrived in NZ.
beatrix.jones: Week 2.
beatrix.jones: Week 49. Not too old to enjoy the plauground.
beatrix.jones: Week 49. My second (more successful) go at photographing these.