beatrix.jones: Week 4. There is a slide inside this sculpture.
beatrix.jones: Week 4. Homemade bagels.
beatrix.jones: Week 2. My older 2 with their grandparents.
beatrix.jones: Week 2. My favorite photographer (my dad) has arrived in NZ.
beatrix.jones: Week 2.
beatrix.jones: Week 49. Not too old to enjoy the plauground.
beatrix.jones: Week 49. My second (more successful) go at photographing these.
beatrix.jones: Week 48
beatrix.jones: Week 47. Raindrops on roses.
beatrix.jones: Week 46.
beatrix.jones: Week 44 Takapuna beach.
beatrix.jones: Week 43. Really too sunny for a picture, by the time I got one where everyone had their eyes open they weren't smiling any more.
beatrix.jones: Week 43. Getting tired of having their photo taken.
beatrix.jones: Week 42
beatrix.jones: Week 41
beatrix.jones: Week 41
beatrix.jones: Week 41
beatrix.jones: Week 41. Ran into these two again.
beatrix.jones: Week 31
beatrix.jones: Week 25
beatrix.jones: Week 21. I had parent teacher conferences at 6:30 pm so I hung around town after work so I could bus directly there. This is the sky tower from Wynard Quarter.
beatrix.jones: Week 20
beatrix.jones: Week 17
beatrix.jones: Week 14 April skyline
beatrix.jones: Week 12
beatrix.jones: Week 9-10 First photo in a couple of weeks. We have been isolating due to my son having covid ( thankfully he hasn't been that sick), and it's been the first two weeks of (remote) lectures.
beatrix.jones: Week 8. Managed a trip into work and skyline shot Tuesday. Loved seeing my workmates and not being cooped up at home. 2800 cases that day. I was going to go back today, but yesterday there were 6000 cases (fortunately I can work from home). 12000 toda
beatrix.jones: 2022, Week 1. Starting the new year with haircuts for me and my girls.
beatrix.jones: 2022, Week 1. Sunset New Year's Eve.