mishkovsky: DSC00324
mishkovsky: DSC00294
mishkovsky: DSC00265
mishkovsky: DSC00242
mishkovsky: DSC00179
mishkovsky: DSC00174
plamen747297: IMG_9584-HDR
plamen747297: IMGP9436
Kamen Minkov: 500_9725
Kamen Minkov: 500_9679
Kamen Minkov: 500_9785
Kamen Minkov: 500_9767
Kamen Minkov: 500_9851
Kamen Minkov: 500_9500
Kamen Minkov: 500_9481
Kamen Minkov: 500_9431
Kamen Minkov: 500_9423
Kamen Minkov: 500_9626
Rafael Zenon Wagner: Madeira - essence
wingerjohanne: I wondered what he was thinking. Was he lonely, or did he just want to be alone, enjoying the silence in the forest? I'll never get to know that.
crush777roxx: Big Rock (moss & misty sky reflections)
Kamen Minkov: 500_4419
DRUMI_NA_DVE_GUMI: Bostina village, The region of Rozhen peak, Rhodopi Mountains
crush777roxx: Light It Up (Sunset Matchstick)
wingerjohanne: Frost or crystals. I'm actually not so sure what this is. Do you know?
DRUMI_NA_DVE_GUMI: Rhodopi Mountains
wingerjohanne: In the fog I saw two sculptures. They told me to stay away from the property. I went there anyway, and I met just nice people.
NaturaRAW: _V9A8671-Redigera
Kamen Minkov: 500_1378
wingerjohanne: A foggy day at Evje. It isn't smart to leave the boat like that when it's ice on the water. I think they will regret this.