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albums of Matthew C. Brown
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Python/Margarita Skippers: AZ & NM
Water Canyon, Magdalena Mountains, May 26-28, 2024
New Mexico Camping trip June 7-13, 2023: Black Range, San Mateos, Magdalenas
North & South Carolina July 19-August 2, 2022
CA Gulch 12/12/21 Late minima, etc.
Apache Skippers (and other stuff), Sept.16-18, 2021
Sacramento Mountains, NM June 10-13, 2021
Swallowtails (Papilionidae)
Whites & Yellows (Pieridae)
Gossamerwings (Lycaenidae)
Metalmarks (Riodinidae)
Brushfoots (Nymphalidae)
Spreadwing Skippers, Firetips, Skipperlings
Giant- and Grass-Skippers
Unidentified Skippers, Pinaleno & White Mts., AZ. June 15-25, 2019.
Rita('s) Blue, Euphilotes rita 25 August 2018
Mexico Butterflies and Flowers
Panama Butterflies
Odonata (Damselflies and Dragonflies)
Plants, flowers, larval hosts
Reptiles & Amphibians
Mammals and Fish
Humorous and/or interesting signs and/or stuff
Camping trip to White Mts., Greenlee & Apache Counties, AZ June 19, 20, 23, 24, 25.
Camping trip to Mt. Graham, Pinaleno Mts. June 16-17, 2019
North & South Carolina Trip 2017
New York and Maine August 2009
Mexico, August 13-20, 2017
Wedge-rumped Storm-petrel at Patagonia Lake 9/7/16
Northern Waterthrush, Temporal Gulch, 8/31/16new album
Josh and Titan in Trail buggy
Alaska trip, late August 2014
Doves, Nightjars, Hummers
Non-butterfly Insects & Arachnids
Rusty Blackbird at PSCP
Alaska Trip 31 May-16 June 2012
Elegant Trogon at Patagonia Lake; 8 March, 2010.
Matt & Abbie's Excellent Summer Vacation
Rufous-capped Warbler at Patagonia-Sonoita Creek Preserve
Four "Gold" Finches
Waterbirds, Shorebirds, Gulls
Panama Birds
Raptors & Owls
Panama Scenery & Wildlife
Finca Lerida in Western Panama
Finca Dracula Orchid Farm
Sycamore Canyon; Five-striped Sparrows
Rusty Blackbird in Chiricahuas; March 30, 2010
Bell's & Sagebrush Sparrows