Matthew C. Brown:
Rufescent Tiger-Heron, immature
Matthew C. Brown:
Rufescent Tiger-Heron, immature
Matthew C. Brown:
Northern Jacana family
Matthew C. Brown:
Wattled Jacana
Matthew C. Brown:
find the sulphur-winged parakeet
Matthew C. Brown:
Red-headed Barbet, male
Matthew C. Brown:
Snowy-bellied Hummingbird
Matthew C. Brown:
Violet Sabrewing, male
Matthew C. Brown:
White-throated Mountain-Gem
Matthew C. Brown:
Black-capped Pygmy-Tyrant
Matthew C. Brown:
Lesser Kiskadee
Matthew C. Brown:
Clay-colored Thrush
Matthew C. Brown:
Baltimore Oriole, male, and Golden-hooded Tanager
Matthew C. Brown:
Blue-gray and female Cherrie's Tanagers
Matthew C. Brown:
Palm Tanager
Matthew C. Brown:
Silver-throated Tanagers
Matthew C. Brown:
Flame-colored and Silver-throated Tanagers
Matthew C. Brown:
Yellow-rumped Cacique
Matthew C. Brown:
Yellow-tailed Oriole
Matthew C. Brown:
Thick-billed Euphonia, male
Matthew C. Brown:
Green Violet-ear
Matthew C. Brown:
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird
Matthew C. Brown:
White-throated Mountain-gem female