John Pics.: Wreck in shore
John Pics.: Old + decaying B+W
John Pics.: A long way from the sea
Kap'n'Kaos~Too: " Enter The Dragon (Fly)..."
robertolongo.63: One song a day
Paco CT: A man at a window
Ste A: Morning Glory
Ste A: Whoosh
Ste A: The Groynes
Ste A: Left Behind
Nature as Art Photography: Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge
{Danny.Hart}: 2019.01.02- Cascade Falls
Linda in Fortuna: Escape!
Ste A: Black Shinny Things
photoarchiv65: Bauhaus Staircase . . .
Rouge_Lucifer: View on the City
Rouge_Lucifer: Holiday Snapshots - Der letzte blaue Himmel
kennethcanada1: Born To Fly.
kennethcanada1: Reflections, Of The Burrard Street Bridge.
kennethcanada1: 1959 Cadillac Coupe De Villa.
VenusTraum: Kunstwerk vor der Rheingoldhalle in Mainz
VenusTraum: Kunstwerk mit Blumen
El pare mira: Darrera del 2018 en blanc i negre
Javy Nájera: Javy Nájera Fotografía
joaquim_cazorla: Gato guardián
Juan José Cazorla: Santa Fe de Montseny