Poppy 'Heirloom' ~ 1st Flower of its kind this Season
Bryan Carnathan:
Bee on Cosmos Flower
:: Riky :::
Tentaculos - Tentacles
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~:
When Cares Of The Heart Are Many~~~
azyalg { Little Twinkles Photography }:
"Sometimes you read a book so special that you want to carry it around with you for months after you've finished just to stay near it."
Tracey Tilson Photography:
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~:
Shower Me With Your Love~~~
Ingrid Douglas:
Perfect Saturday in our garden.
TDR Photographic:
Still Pond Photography:
hydrangea blossoms
azyalg { Little Twinkles Photography }:
"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is...
Gulf fritillary
Tracey Tilson Photography:
Susan in the Garden
TDR Photographic:
Arlington Row, Bibury
SLEEC Photos/Suzanne:
The First Sign
TDR Photographic:
Sunset at Broadway Tower