Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~: “ The best of all investments you can make is to help people come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. You can make a commitment right here and now, I’m asking you today not to graduate but commence a new life for God every step of the way."
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~: "Just as an indescribable sunset or a breath-taking mountaintop vista evokes a spontaneous response, we cannot encounter the worthiness of God without the response of worship....
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~: Oh let the place of secret prayer become to me the most beloved spot on earth...~~[Explored]
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~: "Freedom in God's world never comes apart from structure. When one is free to live as God intended, he is truly free indeed." Jay. E Adams~~ [Explored]
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~: "Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to the angels." ~~[Explored]
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~: "Thus, and not otherwise, the world was made. Either something or nothing must depend on individual choices." .......C.S.Lewis
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~: The strength and happiness of a man consists in finding out the way in which God is going, and going that way too....... Henry Ward Beecher
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~: Patience is a grace as difficult as it is necessary, and as hard to come by as it is precious when it is gained....C.H. Spurgeon
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~: The Way To Grow Strong In Christ Is To Become Weak In Yourself.....C.H. Spurgeon
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~: God dwells in His creation and is everywhere indivisibly present in all His works. He is transcendent above all His works even while He is immanent within them......A.W. Tozer
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~: "This Monent Contains All Moments"
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~: Windmills, barns and wild flowers
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~: Huge Water Natural Water Fall 2011
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~: A single blue wild flower in Spring
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~: When We Lose One Blessing, Another Is Often Most Unexpectedly Given In It's Place....
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~: ~Seek Him With All Your Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength. In His Love & By His Power You & I Can Light Up This World~
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~: Appreciate special Relationships that make our lives Colorful & Bright.... For they are Channels through which the Blessings & Joy of God can Manifest in our Lives.....~~[Explored]
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~: When Feelings Become More Important Than Faith, People Will Become More Important, And God Will Become Less Important~~~
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~: Where I Found Truth There Found I My God Who Is The Truth Itself~
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~: Prayer Doesn't Hide Like A Shadow It Instead Is Like The Force Of A River In Allowing Us To Move To A Place Of Courage...Strength... Patience...Insight...And Compassion~
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~: Pride Wants To Earn Divine Acceptance Humility Simply Believes It~~~
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~: We Are Here To Add What We Can To Life, Not To Get What We Can From Life~
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~: Life Itself Cannot Give You Joy Unless You Really Will It. Life Just Gives You Time And Space--- It's Up To You To Fill It~~[Explored]
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~: Faith Shushes The Anxiety That Dwells Within Our Souls, And We Relax And Choose Wisely~~~
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~: God Does Not Comfort Us To Make Us Comfortable But To Make Us Comforters~~~
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~: Remind Me On This Day Oh Lord That I am Blessed By Friends Who Support And Share My Journey~~~
Hopefaithandlove2014~Walk by Faith, Not by Sight~: Grace Comes Not To Take Away A Man's Affections....... But To Take Them Up~~~