SB Archer: Some Thing, This Thing, Better
atem_y_zeit: same circle, alt circle
AnnuskA - AnnA Theodora: She was like a Summer Storm
mr. Wood: Leica M6 & VC Ultron 35/1.7
California Swede - George Wester & Family: The DI - A studio assistant from 1974 Shot with 4X5 on Polaroid type 55 pn film. I would have reenlisted if the cadre looked like her.
scarletd: Charlie Byrne's Bookshop
moving_electron: Catching up on world news - Efke 100 version, Zenith Trans-oceanic
hans-martin: web-image-1eee3e331bdd972f0d1a10a259055cbe
jimbobp: 0S6E6666-Edit
Spark Yue(天涯行者): 2010-01-06阳台上的腊梅
TOKIO City Photos: Emulsion Lift on water colour paper
TOKIO City Photos: Emulsion Lift on water colour paper
underthewaves: But the twinkle in your eye is gone.
underthewaves: (Brush the Cobwebs out of the Sky.)
pacorocha: _30052009_01
whickus: knuckles
Yin.Shen: Butterfly