underthewaves: The Clown of the Alps
underthewaves: The Place of the Swirling Waters
underthewaves: I traveled the world only to be
underthewaves: Lost in the Sea of Clouds.
underthewaves: De temps en temps.
underthewaves: Dans le liquide mouvant.
underthewaves: [Bibliotekshaven]
underthewaves: [Malmö synagoga]
underthewaves: Two of us wearing raincoats
underthewaves: Then I watch them roll away.
underthewaves: Fish…
underthewaves: nor fowl.
underthewaves: In the dying light of a spring afternoon.
underthewaves: Departmental Oversight
underthewaves: These gems have life in them: their colors speak.
underthewaves: Oysters to Open
underthewaves: oro en paz
underthewaves: fierro en guerra
underthewaves: When I arrive, I shall go to the sea.
underthewaves: I fall into the ocean for you.
underthewaves: We are dust and nothing.
underthewaves: Once upon a time en la misión.
underthewaves: The Glimmering World
underthewaves: At least so the prophet says.
underthewaves: Acrost these desert wastelands and back, my dear, to you.
underthewaves: The House of Prophesy and Restoration
underthewaves: Memento Vivre
underthewaves: Alone, listless.
underthewaves: Death and the Maiden
underthewaves: This is the field where I watched you die.