Scott Joshua Dere: Otter Family
btcarr1970: Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum)
btcarr1970: Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum)
btcarr1970: "Leadback" phase Redbacked Salamander (Plethodon cinereus)
btcarr1970: "Leadback" phase Redbacked Salamander (Plethodon cinereus)
kenfeustel: Little Gull (front) and Bonaparte's Gull at Ditch Plains
CRESLI_Inc: AHK_0403
kenfeustel: Hudsonian Godwits at Heckscher State Park
Scott Joshua Dere: Highlight Flight
jayrand1975: 5577 – Epipaschia superatalis – Dimorphic Macalla Moth 2
jayrand1975: 9299 Eudryas unio – Pearly Wood-nymph Moth
Chris Lue Shing: Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Scott Joshua Dere: Flight of the Valkerie
kenfeustel: Ruff at Timber Pt. Golf Course East Marina
btcarr1970: Great horned owlet that has recently left the nest.
btcarr1970: Eastern Bluebird male
btcarr1970: Eastern Towhee male singing
jayrand1975: Sandhill Crane 2
Chris Lue Shing: Concentration
kenfeustel: Snowy Owl and Dunlin at Jones Beach State Park
jayrand1975: Townsend's Solitaire
btcarr1970: Black crowned night heron
btcarr1970: Juvenile bald eagle
btcarr1970: Juvenile bald eagle
BIRD NERD - Marigami: Sharp-skinned Hawk