medioculus: snowy owl flying over dunes on long island new york
medioculus: rough-legged hawk (light morph)
medioculus: bald eagle (juvenile)
medioculus: red-tailed hawk
medioculus: red-tailed hawk with squirrel
medioculus: bald eagle pair
medioculus: ross's goose suffolk county (wertheim national wildlife refuge)
medioculus: common mergansers in flight
medioculus: northern harrier (first year)
medioculus: northern harrier (first year)
medioculus: northern harrier (first year)
medioculus: northern harrier (first year)
medioculus: northern harrier (first year)
medioculus: prothonotary warbler. very late bird here for this time of year
medioculus: prothonotary warbler. very late bird here for this time of year
medioculus: prothonotary warbler. very late bird here for this time of year
medioculus: prothonotary warbler. very late bird here for this time of year
medioculus: prothonotary warbler. very late bird here for this time of year
medioculus: copper's hawk (juvenile)
medioculus: copper's hawk (juvenile)
medioculus: copper's hawk (juvenile)
medioculus: wilson's snipe
medioculus: wilson's snipe
medioculus: wilson's snipe
medioculus: wilson's snipe
medioculus: wilson's snipe
medioculus: ruddy turnstone on mussels
medioculus: ruddy turnstone and sanderling
medioculus: ruddy turnstone on mussels
medioculus: ruddy turnstone