Puma Ghostwalker: Osprey in New Youk City
Puma Ghostwalker: BAM! POW! Osprey know how to make an entrance.
Puma Ghostwalker: With................ Without....Yin-Yang.....Man-Woman... And All Lovers.....
vil.sandi: Kleiber
Puma Ghostwalker: Surreal .........
Puma Ghostwalker: Happy Holidays World...
Beyond the Trail: Norton the Nuthatch's Nephew
Puma Ghostwalker: Mirror in Mirror
Puma Ghostwalker: Vestige or Vestigial .............
Puma Ghostwalker: North American River Otter
Puma Ghostwalker: Beauty n Nature
Puma Ghostwalker: I Remember When We Were Gods
Puma Ghostwalker: DSC_6193-1
Puma Ghostwalker: Aruba Rattlesnake
-sigma-: Transcendence
vil.sandi: unfolding
martina★linnea: Purple Emperor
bamboosage: Needhams Skimmer
mat56.: allucinazioni padane
bamboosage: Oblesking
Beyond the Trail: Grizzly Lake - Trinity Alps Wilderness
ineedathis, Everyday I get up, it's a great day!: One has to see Lotus to appriciate a Beauty!
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Sweeping Arches and Loops
mat56.: all'ombra dell'ultimo sole