peru2U.: Happy Weekend...
peru2U.: Anemone nemorosa - The little Rose of the Winds ... :-)
peru2U.: Just another Spring-Messenger :-)
peru2U.: Crocus - out of Focus :-)
peru2U.: Helleborus foetidus - Bear's Foot
peru2U.: Online ...
peru2U.: Let the prayers fligh high ...
peru2U.: Summer-Bird
peru2U.: Attunement ...
peru2U.: Something Long-Legged and Alien ....
peru2U.: Freedom ...
peru2U.: New Dawn - the 2nd ... would that make an Old Dawn? Lol ...
peru2U.: Taverna ... or living on the beach and all is easy :-) - even the new flickr
peru2U.: The Gate
peru2U.: Featherlike - born to fly
peru2U.: Sometimes the Rainbows are on the Ground ...
peru2U.: The Blue Stars have taken over ....
peru2U.: Spring is here ...
peru2U.: ... still in the times of snowflakes, well, at least the flowering ones :-)
peru2U.: The Easter Dove ...
peru2U.: Just a colourful shock in all that wintery grey and white ....
peru2U.: "Shall we leave a single grape for them, what do you think?" ... "No way" ....or ..... no wine - no juice - no jelly
peru2U.: I was looking for snow .... and I found magic ...
peru2U.: "To touch the soul of another human being is to walk on holy ground" S.R.Covey
peru2U.: ..... and then there was this little one, who had hit the window .....
peru2U.: .... Wild Goose Pond .....
peru2U.: I hiked ... I am back ... I am so busy
peru2U.: Network
peru2U.: Champaign - Fanfares - Belly Dancers ...... YEAH YEAH YEAH ....... I got my photos back ...
peru2U.: Dinner - sundried .....