ginaballerina.: 10/52: Things I love
nicoleviolante: Hair dye
m_martel12: American Museum of Natural History
m_martel12: Times Square at night
TURBOW: turquoise blue eyes
the girl who made it on her own: insight into another world
thburningiraffe: "Without ice cream, there would be darkness and chaos." ~Don Kardong
SunnyMarry: Patient # 1649154825
Emmgie: Gerard Way & Ray Toro
Account moved to Ray Toro of My Chemical Romance
mmonicato: Mikey Way
teamcoco: My Chemical Romance
Victor Lundmark: My Chemical Romance
Michelle Heighway: "My Chemical Romance"
Michelle Heighway: "My Chemical Romance"
Michelle Heighway: My Chemical Romance M.E.N February 2011
Michelle Heighway: My Chemical Romance
Mark Hammermeister: David Tennant - WIP
gossip z: Orlando Bloom shirtless
rudiecantfail: Frank Iero
rudiecantfail: Frank Iero
rudiecantfail: Frank Iero
rudiecantfail: Frank Iero
rudiecantfail: Frank Iero
rudiecantfail: Frank Iero
all fall down: My Chemical Romance
the girl who made it on her own: celles qui comprennent
SunnyMarry: When You Die In Your Dream