Pioppo67: bivacco
gifted kitty: reflection
Leo & Pipo: Leo & Pipo, by Chloe Shao II
Thomas Hawk: I've Been Waiting to Awaken From These Dreams
-gregg-: pirate
@CarShowShooter: Squirrel in Boston Common
jshortart: cricutlim
valeriavieira: Beija flor de veste preta (Anthracothorax nigricollis) - Black-throated Mango, male
gifted kitty: under the eaves
Susanne Breuss: © Susanne Breuss: Hinter der Ecke lauert die Nacht, Collage (25,4 x 25,4 cm), 12/2014
Szydlak Szk: Snowblind.
gifted kitty: swallowtail butterfly
The Library of Congress: A stylish pair to brighten the dog days of summer. (Bain will be back next week) (LOC)
-gregg-: here comes the rain
D-Catwoman: VapoRub product photography
Sam Droege: Kalmia latifolia, Mountain laurel flowers, Howard County, Md, Helen Lowe Metzman_2017-06-16-16.38
gifted kitty: the back
strjustin: Clover Root Weevil Flying
strjustin: Clover Root Weevil
Thomas Hawk: All Her Style and Beauty
Thomas Hawk: Dreams About Architecture
Thomas Hawk: Hey Buckaroo
Thomas Hawk: Going Down Slow
gittermasttyp2008: High Voltage
JRGN_BLK_: fruity
gifted kitty: bathing
-gregg-: my 13 year old lady
Sam Droege: Lasioglossum hitchensi, f, right side, Columbia, PA_2017-06-20-14.21