phbyo: blue jay
phbyo: a chickadee
phbyo: downy woodpecker
phbyo: spider handiwork
phbyo: white crowned sparrow
Ines & Ivory Photography: the motion of water
Ines & Ivory Photography: the power of nature
cantilena91: November Frost
cantilena91: Wood Web
cantilena91: November Snow
philippeoros: Grêbe Castagneux
cantilena91: Advent Chorus
Lacerta Bilineata: Praying Mantis
Lacerta Bilineata: In The Tall Grass
Lacerta Bilineata: The Flame Rider
Lacerta Bilineata: Switzerland
Lacerta Bilineata: The Tale Of The Jay (read story)
phbyo: white throated sparrow
phbyo: Autumn monarch
phbyo: yellow rumped warbler
arnaud.buck: Le Tantale ibis
cantilena91: November Blues...
Alberto Estefanía: Apodemus flavicollis, Ratón leonado
Alberto Estefanía: Trimeresurus insularis
Alberto Estefanía: Anser erythropus (Ánsar chico, Lesser White-Fronted Goose)
Alberto Estefanía: Taiwan Rosefinch, Carpodacus formosanu
Alberto Estefanía: Bubo ascalaphus