Stehouwer and Recio: First contact
Gerda Le Blanc: De weg kwijt/ lost in the forrest
joeke pieters: The jogger
joeke pieters: Luckily it's raining again today...
neurosheep: ... the sun colors flowers and art colors life ...
uiltje50-Astrid v. Y.: Lekker smullen.
janeannfag: Collage of Cutouts (All done on my iPad)
janeannfag: Medinilla speciosa
janeannfag: Contemplation
Anita Schwegler: Funny art
BraCom (Bram): Full moon at sunset
Rich-ART In PIXELS: Hêdredersplak
pienw: [-]
pienw: [looking at]
jo.miseré 10 mln: Spring / Lente
Foto Martien: Yellow mongoose
holland fotograaf: lapwing in flight
holland fotograaf: Heemstede Castle
Ben Mol Petten: ..Onderweg ..
Ben Mol Petten: ..Onderweg ..Samen in het zonnetje ..
Frank Hendriks Photography: You've got to run along the edge of madness teetering, you've got to starve like a winter alleycat, you've go to live with the imbecility of at least a dozen cities, then maybe maybe maybe you might know where you are for a tiny blinking moment.
Frank Hendriks Photography: Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.
Frank Hendriks Photography: The worst part is wondering how you’ll find the strength tomorrow to go on doing what you did today and have been doing for much too long, where you’ll find the strength for all that stupid running around, those projects that come to nothing.
Marian Kloon (on and off): Peter wants to help
Marian Kloon (on and off): Paw of my old teddybear
BraCom (Bram): A bench with a view, but with wet feet (HBM)