Carl Cashman: Upfest 2013
Sa//y: Upfest Bristol 2012 - Karl Read
C215: C215 - Marseille (FR)
C215: C215 - Portrait of Manuel Egrotti
C215: C215 - Roma (Monti)
C215: C215 - "I Will Fly Away"
Fin DAC: Vitry Jam 6
gaia.streetart: Color in Korea
BTOYandrea: Solo Show at Espai B, Barcelona
Sa//y: Upfest 2010 - Karl Read. "Independent Woman"
C215: .
C215: C215 - Milano
RPM 4: "EuroTrash" @ Lazarides Gallery - Beverly Hills
sheila_blige: stencil Independant Woman - Karl Read
Birmingham Phil: u p f e s t
C215: C215 - Roma
C215: C215 - Vitry-sur-Seine
C215: C215 - Wonderland
C215: C215 - "Blowing" (detail)
annar_50: paul insect
'Cut Out and Fade Out' by Miss Bugs: All 3 ladys in the studio
C215: C215 - Vitry-sur-Seine (Paris)
annar_50: best ever
itsmyneandyours: New 12"x12" concept series
Fin DAC: Paris painting
you_need_hans: Run off
you_need_hans: Darker Shade