*ton: Aaron
Rundstedt B. Rovillos: Hemisphaerius formosus
Gauzz2020: Happy face or skull?
edwbaker: Eucles bifasciatus Redtenbacher, 1906
carlos.1994: insecto de patas largas
Victor W. Fazio III: Robber Fly spp. (Diogmites sp.)
edwbaker: Cholus sp.
David Panevin: Fly Portrait
David Panevin: The Green Pill
Le No: Pois et rayures
dougwaylett: Physcia aipolia 'Hoary Rosette Lichen' (damp)
al-ien: where's the fire......
urjsa: Onthophagus mouhoti Harold, 1875 male Syn.: Proagoderus mouhoti Harold, 1875
bramblejungle: Another weevil
bramblejungle: Cockchafer (May bug)
Sharon_S: Treehopper family Membracidae
Burnt Umber: How to know when you are done?
Burnt Umber: Blue Dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis)
bramblejungle: 20-plume moth (Alucita hexadactyla)
rapt_in_roses: Broken Wing
dougwaylett: Hypogymnia physodes 'Monk's-hood Lichen/Hooded Tube Lichen'
Paul Bourdin: Acherontia lachesis, Mt. Makiling, Philippines
cotinis: Anchor Stinkbug
cotinis: Six-Spotted Tiger Beetle
Ted_Roger_Karson: Small House Centipede Scutigera coleoptrata Macro (best viewed enlarged)
al-ien: Ruddy Holomelina Moth
Boobook48: Tiger Moth
Alexandre Vinot: Dorynota funesta, a tortoise beetle of French Guiana