Sandy Philipp: Herons at Sunrise
Mark Noack: lost in the flood...
franzisko hauser: Dancers in the Green :-)
Nucleix: Sphéro-Vibration I
Nucleix: Reine verte
Nucleix: Tribute to the Gemmail technique - Hommage au Gemmail.
Nucleix: Fovéa
Nucleix: In search of a new vision [III] - A la recherche d'une nouvelle vision [III]
Nucleix: In search of a new vision [IV] - A la recherche d'une nouvelle vision [IV]
Nucleix: De la Verticalité.
Nucleix: Night sun ray - Rayon de soleil nocturne
Mark Noack: facets...
Mark Noack: his shirts are imaginatively ironed...
Mark Noack: master plan...
Mark Noack: night and day...
Mark Noack: mist...
Mark Noack: boplicity... (birth of the cool...)
Mark Noack: crosstown traffic...
Mark Noack: traffic...
Mark Noack: sway..
Mark Noack: identity...
Nucleix: Nature Morte à la silice I (rev.)
Martin Shore: A glass of red wine
Nucleix: Nature morte pour deux verres glacés - Still life for two frozen glasses
Martin Shore: "Through the Mists of Time" (To the Moon and Back!!) For a really special person!!
Nucleix: L'Arche de l'Arche
Nucleix: Voyage dans l'hyperprisme
Sherrianne100: Lost beauty....
Brunsfeldo: Reverse BoTTLe -2