Brunsfeldo: • • • • •5 • Bottles-2
Brunsfeldo: Walkin' DoWN--1
Brunsfeldo: Bike Rider ZooooM -2
Brunsfeldo: Tallest TRee-1
Brunsfeldo: Fishin' -1
Brunsfeldo: Jar of BuBBLes
Brunsfeldo: Elderly Birds of Paradise-1
Brunsfeldo: Wrapped in Aluminum Foil-2
Brunsfeldo: He's got CiRCuS in his blood
Brunsfeldo: MaGiC BEAN BoWL
Brunsfeldo: Cubist FloWeRS
Brunsfeldo: Saw these bottles in the container store and poured SILVER paint inside which really responded to color lighting
Brunsfeldo: Protected-#7
Brunsfeldo: ~~ Just hangin' around under the Golden Gate-2
Brunsfeldo: after the Rain at the Civic Center-2
Brunsfeldo: the CiViC CenTer RooF
Brunsfeldo: Black Butte resting-2
Brunsfeldo: Binoculars
Brunsfeldo: 3 ELK Thanksgiving Sunset
Brunsfeldo: Fountain at the Park
Brunsfeldo: Posable model in LoVe
Brunsfeldo: Civic Center_Oct 2021
Brunsfeldo: Civic Center Trees in FoG
Brunsfeldo: Bodacious Orange Tree-3
Brunsfeldo: Persimmon at Night
Brunsfeldo: Disquieting Smokey View from our Backyard
Brunsfeldo: Stopped by the Palace of Fine Arts
Brunsfeldo: Agapanthus FaMiLy Portrait
Brunsfeldo: BuZZin' Bee
Brunsfeldo: Transmogrified X-Ray of an 1803 Martinez