Bernard Ddd:
Caponnnière sortie 4. Souterrain du Lycée Nord
Bernard Ddd:
Tourelle PZII Fort Saint-Jean
Bernard Ddd:
canon à Notre Dame de la Garde
Bernard Ddd:
drapeau reddition Schaefer
Bernard Ddd:
journal guerre
Massimo Foti:
2 cm Flak 28
Bernard Ddd:
todt avec armature tobrouk.jpg
War History Online:
Size comparison of GE GAU-8 Gatling gun, used in A-10 Thunderbolt II
Bernard Ddd:
Cuve pour canon de 122mm
Bernard Ddd:
Anse de la Fausse Monnaie
Massimo Foti:
War History Online:
That wasn't a pretty ending.
War History Online:
Soldiers coming home.
War History Online:
Battlefield relics
War History Online:
Anyone know what these are called? Or what they are.
Bernard Ddd:
Bernard Ddd:
Bernard Ddd:
Bernard Ddd:
calanque de l'Escondelle
Bernard Ddd:
Casemate M272
Bernard Ddd:
Casemate M272
Bernard Ddd:
casemates H671
Bernard Ddd:
casemates H671
Wounded British soldier showing shrapnel damage to his steel helmet caused near Hamel on the Somme Front in December 1916.
Bernard Ddd:
Bernard Ddd:
helgoland lange Anna
Bernard Ddd:
Chateau de Wartburg Martha