jchn70: Isa, la gata
Hi-Fi Fotos: cat nap
fourmi_7: Comme un lendemain de fête..
Ted Holm Photography: Golden and crimson leaves blanket the ground around a gentle waterfall, tumbling into a serene stream amidst North Carolina's vibrant autumn
Wayloncash: Oscar_02289
peter manintveld: come sit with us
Endika2011: Michis en Mallecina
jchn70: Isa, la gata
jchn70: Kinder, la gata
wolf4max: Grumpi cat
Doctor Ahmed Badr: really surprised
Ted Holm Photography: As fall yields to winter, orange leaves cling to the fog-draped trees, while the racing river weaves a serene melody in the quiet of early morning
x m 2022: (268)^^
maartenappel: Zo was het
jchn70: Isa, la gata
cpenotgiraudeau: Tibalt mon chat. (2001-2015) Tibalt my cat.
berrywine: DSC_0135
mmeyer20: Scooter
jchn70: 01/12/2024: C/ Alcalá. Madrid
JSB PHOTOGRAPHS: Autumn Reflections
omersad: DSC06086 Black&White
foofoomacshoe: Beaver Lake
vasiitalida: IMG-20241031-WA0101
cpenotgiraudeau: Chat du voisinage. Neighbourhood cat.
cpenotgiraudeau: FOR STEVEN, my watercolour: "The twin towers and the Brooklyn Bridge". (East river). POUR STEVEN, mon aquarelle: "Les tours jumelles et le Pont de" Brooklyn". (East river).
cpenotgiraudeau: Tibalt mon chat. Tibalt my cat. 2001-2015.
cpenotgiraudeau: Aujourd'hui, départ du Vendée Globe depuis chez moi, aux Sables d'Olonne ! Today, departure of the Vendée Globe, from Les Sables d'Olonne! I was born near les Sables d'Olonne !
cpenotgiraudeau: Journée internationale du chat. International cat day.
cpenotgiraudeau: Carte postale envoyée par mes amies Françoise et Maïa ... Postcard sent by my friends Françoise and Maïa...
222LOLA: The Huntress