werner boehm *: Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery
M.Peinado: 015281 - Granada
davidyuweb: Fall season colors
werner boehm *: Discover Italy
Anna.Andres: Derringur #horseoficeland
antonè: Il cavallo..
Ruthie Kansas: Northern Cardinal
SBA73: Marie Sněžné
nowhere man ( 飄泊的人 ): so sacred ( 超神聖 )
Irene2727: “You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?” — Rumi
CpaKmoi: Le lac Majeur et l’îsola Bella
Excalibur67: Rundball
Ruthie Kansas: Dickcissel, juvenile
werner boehm *: Amphitheatre Arles
Spiro Anassis: Welcome Home!
werner boehm *: Carmarque horses
AndreaPucci: Luci delle citta' / City lights (Matera, Basilicata, Italy)
Bob Noble Photography: Sunshine and Fall
Teone!: Grifoni
Eustaquio Santimano: Pink Orchid
Eustaquio Santimano: Cloud Show
bardaxi: Sigüenza: Plaza Mayor
hisdream: Who's Fastest
Ritaazz: Galerie lafayette
GNOCKY: The Glacier
werner boehm *: misty tower pano
Spiro Anassis: Santa's HOHOHO EXPLORED 09/12/2013