bmse: Quarrel!
Cimarrón Mayor 19,000.000. VISITAS GRACIAS: 1-Este tororoi se encuentra en las tres cordilleras y en la Serranía del Perijá. Es principalmente terrestre, salta por el suelo o corre rápidamente y hecha las hojas a un lado para buscar insectos. Usualmente mantiene escondido en el sotobosque!!
bananaman33428: Red-shouldered Hawk
ronzigler: Black-crowned Night Heron IMG_2989
S.G.Davis: Lesser Grey Shrike
Philippe_Boissel: Sepia officinalis - Seiche commune (appelée également Morgate qui veut dire « lièvre de mer » en breton) - Common cuttlefish or European common cuttlefish - 17/07/17
toryjk: Bottlenose Dolphins
Cimarrón Mayor 19,000.000. VISITAS GRACIAS: 1-BINGO!!! A TODO DEMONIO GORDO LE CANTAN SU SAN MARTÍN !! Por inteligentes y astutos que sean,un día se le ven los calzoncillos de bolitas !!
Rezamink: Swamp Darner (Epiaeschna heros) Female with Six-spotted Tiger Beetle (Cicindela sexguttata)
Larry Daugherty: Clear the way......This is my stick!!!!!!.....D800
Megan Lorenz: Your Canon Is This Big!!
DennisKirkland: "Defiance"
jungle mama: Green Iguana... our tropical dragon!
Philippe_Boissel: Hippocampus reidi - Hippocampe long-nez - Slender seahorse or Longsnout seahorse - 17/07/17
links09: Hummer
Photos by the Swamper: Marsh Wren (Made Explore 7/19/2017)
Greg from Maine: Mount Katahdin & Compass Pond
toryjk: Bottlenose Dolphin
mlibbe: Nature's Spider Exterminator
Don3rdSE: Roadside Rust - Chevy Truck
gerdavs: Commanding attention
bananaman33428: Pileated Woodpecker
Greg from Maine: Mount Katahdin at Compass Pond
mlibbe: Backseat Drivers
bananaman33428: The flight of the female Snail Kite
Philippe_Boissel: Gorilla gorilla gorilla - Gorille des plaines de l’Ouest ou Gorille des plaines occidentales - Western lowland gorilla - 28/06/17
bananaman33428: Good morning, Sunshine!
bmse: Before the splash