R. Van Wallendael: Argiope bruennichii (Explore 27-08-24)
Philippe30670: Rollier d'Europe
patshiva: Protection rapprochée
patshiva: 620A3215
onnowildschut: Great Spotted Woodpecker; Dendrocopus major
lcscrimshaw: bluebird stuck the landing!
aptyche: Buntspecht
Oerliuschi: Spiegelfleck-Dickkopffalter (Heteropterus morpheus)
Speedyrob: Erster Versuch mit dem neuen Objektiv...
BertvB: Mount Fuji in Sakura season
hervétherry: Carantec
claudiepichon: Le Gazé, Aporia crataegi.
paulamoore3: Northern Cardinal
Casamejia: Cathedral & Aztec Templo Mayor
L e n .: Templo Mayor Tenochtitlan
Patrick Laferl: Heteropterus morpheus
Allan Drewitt: Taking off
Ng Aomoa: Abisara neophron, The Tailed Judy
RJSchutDigitaal: Gaai - Eurasian Jay - Eichelhäher - Garrulus glandarius
minus1349: "départ" d'un défenseur de la langue française,,,
zogt2000 (No Video): Azurés commun (Polyommatus icarus) ♂♂
Adrián R Simoni: Argyrodes "sobre" Argiope bruennichi hembra
Anatoliy Vityuk: Acherontia-atropos. Бражник Мертва Голова
zimbart: Egybolis vaillantina - African Peach Moth
rp1554: Violet-fronted Brilliant, Heliodoxa leadbeateri)
gisval: Clash of titans
Nicopope: Ecureuil roux 2 - In Explore November 24, 2023
Le No: Aurore mâle (Anthocharis cardamines)
jpx83: Hagia Sofia
chantdecristal: 2021-05-11-13-11-05