Chuck Manges: _Moon QHY5III462C 2025-01-13T22_26_15_lapl6_ap396 copy
lynnespo181: Holding hands
kreegan99: The Veil Nebula Complex - Cygnus Loop
lynnespo181: Morning lullaby
lynnespo181: Not a happy camper....or trekker
lynnespo181: This little light of mine....
lynnespo181: Dance like nobody's watching
R.Smrekar: Arrival in Durango - Durango & Silverton Railroad - Colorado - USA
trainmann1: Clean and Polished
homcavobservatory: OmegaNabula_M17_Narrowbnand_JunAndSweptAtCSSP_HomCavObservatory_ReSizedDown2HD
kreegan99: Star Trails Over the Cottage
kreegan99: IC 410 - The Tadpoles
lynnespo181: Az desert walk
lynnespo181: Shootin' hoops
dianecordell: After the Storm
JeffMast98: "triple treat"
kreegan99: The Triangulum Galaxy - M33
kreegan99: "The Leo Triplet" - M65, M66 and NGC3628.
homcavobservatory: EagleNebula_M16_Narrowband_JuneSept2023_At_CSSP_HomCavObservatory
Chuck Manges: M33 The Triangulum Galaxy
dianecordell: Fence post Santa
kreegan99: NGC 7023 - The Iris Nebula
Chuck Manges: IC1805 9 Panel HA Mosaic
kreegan99: IC 1805 - The Heart Nebula
kreegan99: SH2-155: The Cave Nebula
lynnespo181: Christmas tree 2023
Chuck Manges: Jupiter & Io 2023-12-13-2329UTC
homcavobservatory: EagleNebula_M16_CSSP_BFSP_2023_HomCavObservatory_ReSizedDown2HD
alcomike43: Steamtown, USA display of Grand Trunk Western Railway 4-8-2 Mountain U-1-c class Baldwin built steam locomotive # 6039, seen at the museum in Riverside, Vermont, August 1982
homcavobservatory: IthacaFalls_11Oct2023_HomCavObservatory_ReSizedDown2HD