nicolas_gt_photographe: Sous l'Arc de triomphe de la rue Augusta, le soleil éclate en un magnifique starburst, illuminant la scène.
Singer 晴哥: DJ 來點音樂
nicolas_gt_photographe: "Au coucher du soleil, un voile de brume s'étend sur le paysage, ajoutant une touche de magie à cette scène enchantée."
Singer 晴哥: 少女心事 Girl's Talk
Nick JC Elsey: Winter Sun
jonarnefoss2013: kirkeristen in colour
jonarnefoss2013: Nationalteatret station
jonarnefoss2013: October Rain
jonarnefoss2013: rolling sidewalk
Singer 晴哥: 冰火之歌 Ice and Fire
Singer 晴哥: 通天 To Heaven
nicolas_gt_photographe: "La cascade de Chorsin un endroit paisible et reposant"
nicolas_gt_photographe: Subtil vertige par ses lignes captivantes.
fbv812: DSC00106
This moment is the most important: A walk through Gdańsk
Singer 晴哥: 婚姻的距離 Distance in Marriage
Jesús Cano Sánchez: Torre Mauri, La Pobla de Segur (el Pallars Jussà, Catalunya)
nicolas_gt_photographe: Under the bridge
Singer 晴哥: 隱山林 Shut Away
Singer 晴哥: 用愛守護 Love Guardian
Singer 晴哥: 夢醒了 Dream to Awakening
Singer 晴哥: 另一個世界 Another World
Singer 晴哥: 停止即向前 Stop is Progress
Singer 晴哥: 牆內。牆外 The Wall
nicolas_gt_photographe: L'heure bleue métallique
Singer 晴哥: 夜幕初下。華燈初上 Light the Night
cj13822: Fall day in November
Joe Jancar: Clevedon
Singer 晴哥: 神聖之眼 Divine Eye
Dumby: Morning run