Telenous: Theros
Epiphany Appleseed: Pink Moon Rising
Tuane Eggers: Repousar o coração
Robbie McIntosh: (Tutto Passa, The Newest Rockstar)
Nacho's libre: .......
::ErWin: Samagaun, Nepal, 2010
Fencejo: Sadhu. Nepal
Herr Benini: .hazy veils of clouds loom low
PeeterTomson: Patong beach.
Herr Benini: .I want to carve the earth without my tools
Gwenaël Piaser: Rock Temple
BU ICEAACH: Kalimpong, India - 1957
BU ICEAACH: Kalimpong, India - 1957
美撒郭: 枸杞岛廢棄的漁村。只要逃脫人為的關懷才會枝繁葉茂。。。
songthanhnd: Tết - Lunar New Year - celebration at Hưng Phước Pagoda, Saigon, Vietnam
Herr Benini: .you're happier here spread out with your eyes closed
dirtyharrry: NYC, 2015 / 3308
Scottycar: Fall, Lake Tahoe
ShayarGautam: Sadhu at Haridwar