⚜ MargaStyle: Marie Antoinette
⚜ MargaStyle: Victorian Collar and Cape
blindpainter1: Rast am Wegesrand
Themarrero: Newark NJ
marco.federmann: Schlacht von Großgörschen 2023
marco.federmann: Schlacht von Großgörschen 2023
blindpainter1: Im Schatten
Raisn D'Etre: beach season on Mars is open
hellomumu / Taiwan: 三色豔瑩金花蟲 Arthrotus tricolor (Chujo, 1965) [特有]
Themarrero: Alta Sierra CA
hellomumu / Taiwan: 食蟲虻 Robber fly
Themarrero: Kansas City MO
hellomumu / Taiwan: 白斑筒金花蟲 Cryptocephalus luteosignatus Pic, 1922
Themarrero: Nevada City CA
⚜ MargaStyle: Long ago there was a lady...
hellomumu / Taiwan: 食蟲虻 Robber fly
hellomumu / Taiwan: 雲椿象 Agonoscelis nubilis (Fabricicius, 1775)
blindpainter1: Heimwärts
montel7: the irregular wall
Diego Rosato: 12464 - Brandy
Themarrero: Newark NJ
Diego Rosato: DSCF2388
Diego Rosato: DSCF2421
tormod_l: Solid as a Rock — Utah
marco.federmann: Kegelrobbe Helgoland
tanjaettl: b&w-wintermood
blindpainter1: Große Erwartungen