Vicki's Nature:
Blue Dasher in the zinnias
Gavin Edmondstone:
Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)
Vicki's Nature:
Long-tailed skipper - on fire
Bill McDonald 2016:
Blue Jay
CR Courson:
Cooper's Hawk
Vicki's Nature:
Happy New Year 2025 !!!
Bluebird Bliss
Vicki's Nature:
a miracle story: a Yellow-throated warbler arrived for New Year's - and stayed 98 days !!
Vicki's Nature:
a burst of color to spread more cheer
Vicki's Nature:
12 Days of Christmas Butterflies - #9 Zebra Swallowtail
Vicki's Nature:
12 Days of Christmas Butterflies - #8 Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, male
Vicki's Nature:
Halloween Pennant - hot days of Summer
Don Delaney:
Great Gray Owl (strix nebulosa)
Don Delaney:
Northern Hawk Owl
Vicki's Nature:
Pine warbler of Winter - WILD
Vicki's Nature:
12 Days of Dragonflies to be Thankful For - #12b Halloween Pennant, male
SewerDoc (5 million views):
Crawling Ciliate
Vicki's Nature:
12 Days of Dragonflies to be Thankful For - #10 Laura's Clubtail
Vicki's Nature:
12 Days of Dragonflies to be Thankful For - #11 Common Green Darners
Vicki's Nature:
12 Days of Dragonflies to be Thankful For - #9 Widow Skimmer, male
SewerDoc (5 million views):
Spot the Birdie
Vicki's Nature:
12 Days of Dragonflies to be Thankful for - #3 Brown Spiketail
Vicki's Nature:
Calico pennants, mating pair (Celithemis elisa) #4bonus
Vicki's Nature:
12 Days of Dragonflies to be Thankful for - #4 Calico pennant, male
Vicki's Nature:
12 Days of Dragonflies to be Thankful for - #5 Gray Petaltail
Vicki's Nature:
Long-tailed skipper on Torch flower - November yard
Vicki's Nature:
Sasanqua camellias - now in full bloom
Vicki's Nature:
Great Purple Hairstreak on boneset (Atlides halesus)