Rob & Amy Lavoie: Black Crowned Night Heron
Christoph Fischer: The Importance of Shapes & Balance in Composition.
HZWGHZCZYNJQY77TJ5M3SKH6UC: one glorious morning
erenatial: 3Q2A5251-AME
Gaetan Bois: France - Nantes - Ducs de Bretagne Castle
Christoph Fischer: The Unveiling
ricketdi: Black-crowned Night Heron / Bihoreau gris ( Diane ) Northern Harrier Hen Northern Harrier Hen
JEO126: Eastern phoebe
philippe.s.: A White-napped Crane, a symbol of peace (read on)
richard_morel: Canard brun / Mottled Duck American Kestrel returning to perch Anna's Hummingbird Male
a.chiezzi: Giant Antpitta
Jmawnster: Ochraceous Bulbul
mile27: LEE A. TREGURTHA 090424
erenatial: 3Q2A3655--A1
ricketdi: Evening Grosbeak male / Grosbec errant mâle ( Richard)
ricketdi: Evening Grosbeak female / Grosbec errant femelle ( Diane )
erenatial: 3Q2A0546-ame
neilhilton65: Green-backed Trogon (female)
Francesc F P: Capsot d'esquena roja_Capsigrany roig
ricketdi: American Tree Sparrow / Bruant hudsonien ( Diane )
JEO126: Dunlin
HZWGHZCZYNJQY77TJ5M3SKH6UC: in the water lily
JEO126: Semipalmated sandpiper
richard_morel: Tyran huppé / Great Crested Flycatcher